1 minute read

Publishing your PowerShell module is straightfoward from within a GitHub workflow. In general, PowerShell modules are published to a NuGet compatible registry, which is supported by GitHub Packages. The ubuntu-latest image includes PowerShell (with PowerShellGet installed), so you’re able to use the existing Publish-Module cmdlet to get the job done.

Key points:

  • To use the github.token secret, the permissions.packages:write value must be included
  • Include a module manifest in the module directory, one can be generated using New-ModuleManifest

The Publish module step in the workflow definition below demonstrates publishing the package to repository owners NuGet registry.

        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          actions: read
          packages: write
          - name: Build module
            shell: pwsh
            run: |-
              ## Publish your module to ${{ runner.temp }}/$moduleName
              ## Be sure to include a module manifest
          # This step assumes the module files are located in ${{ runner.temp }}
          - name: Publish module
            shell: pwsh
            run: |-
              $user = "${{ github.actor }}"
              $token = "${{ github.token }}" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
              $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList @($user, $token)
              $feed = "https://nuget.pkg.github.com/${{ github.repository_owner }}/index.json"
              $moduleName = "${{ env.moduleName }}"
              $repositoryName = "PowershellNugetServices"
              $dropPath = "${{ runner.temp }}"
              $modulePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath((Join-Path -Path $dropPath -ChildPath $moduleName))
              ## Force TLS1.2
              [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
              ## Register repository
              $registerArgs = @{
                  Name = $repositoryName
                  SourceLocation = $feed
                  PublishLocation = $feed
                  InstallationPolicy = 'Trusted'
                  Credential = $creds
              Register-PSRepository @registerArgs
              Publish-Module -Path $modulePath `
                -Repository $repositoryName `
                -NuGetApiKey "${{ github.token }}"  

Check out the GitHub Packages docs for more info on publishing packages to GitHub.